What to Keep in Your Emergency Pack

If there were ever a time to get things in order, it is now.

With the current political climate and the recent uptick in natural disasters (think the floods in North Carolina and the recent fires in LA), it has never been more important to be prepared for the unexpected. Any sort of emergency is already stressful enough, so it can be helpful to know what you would want to bring and where those items are.

Here’s a list of some important items to keep in your emergency pack in the event of an emergency: 

  • Copies of important docs - check out our post on this to ensure you have all the docs you’ll need.

  • Extra phone & laptop chargers cord- When in a rush, you may not have time to locate which room your chargers are in, so having one already in your bag can be helpful. 

  • Clothing options - these should be items that are relatively inexpensive and that you don’t use in your daily life. Here’s a brief list of items to include: 

    • 3 shirts

    • 2 bras

    • 7 pair of socks

    • 7 pairs of underwear

    • 2 pairs of leggings or lightweight pants

    • lightweight compact jacket

  • Sanitary napkins/tampons - If you want to go a step further, you can swap out the underwear you pack for undies that are meant for menstruation (think Knix or Bambody).

  • Bottle(s) of water - there’s a good chance that if you need to evacuate or leave home quickly, you will need hydration. Having a couple extra bottles of water in your bag can really come in handy in scary situations. 

  • A few non-perishable snacks- You may be without food for a few hours in an emergency, so having some granola bars or packs of mixed nuts can keep your energy up and your stress down.

  • Toiletries- having items to keep you feeling clean can be a game-changer if you don’t have access to a shower for a few days. (Pro-tip: this can be where your travel toiletries live until it’s time to travel). Here’s a simple list of toiletries to keep handy:

    • Body wash

    • Face wash

    • Deodorant

    • Body lotion

    • Toothbrush

    • Toothpaste

    • Floss

  • Face Towels/Washcloths- If you don’t have access to a shower, but a sink is available, washcloths can make staying clean so much easier. 

  • A regular pack of tissue - there’s rarely a time when tissues don’t come in handy.

  • Mini first aid kit - Hopefully, you won’t need it, but if you do, you’ll definitely be grateful to have a kit in your bag. 

  • Pack of Disinfectant Wipes - to sanitize unfamiliar surfaces on the go.

  • Hand Sanitizer - in case you don’t have immediate access to a sink to wash your hands.

  • A plastic bag to keep soiled or dirty items

  • Backpack to put everything for easy grab-and-go!

Your emergency pack should be in an easily accessible place near the door you utilize the most (think the coat closet near the front door).

Here are some other things to grab with your emergency pack (if you have time) in the event of an emergency:

  • Phone 

  • Keys

  • Purse/wallet 

  • Shoes

  • Laptop

Customize, but Keep it Light

Feel free to customize the items you pack in your emergency bag as you see fit, but keep it light enough to where it’s easy to pick up and carry when in a hurry. You’ll notice physical photos aren’t on this list. As much as photos are important and valuable, they can be scanned beforehand and saved on your electronic devices so that you can have them re-printed later.

Important Note:

If you are in imminent danger where you have only mere seconds to get out before your life is at stake, grab your phone (if it is near you) and go. If you’ve set up your phone well enough, all you will need (i.e. access to your important docs, credit cards, etc.) will be accessible from there.

Need Help?

If you need help getting your emergency pack together, reach out to us here to get started!




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