How To Grocery Shop Like a Champ.

Let’s face it - grocery shopping isn’t all that fun, especially, when you’ve got a million other things to do (and a budget to stick to). Here are some of our tried and true hacks to make grocery shopping more manageable and stress-free. 

Make a list of necessities-

Your list of necessities should include the must-haves, the always have-on-hand, the if you ever run out, it will be a sad day grocery items. These items are staples in your diet, and that you eat frequently enough that they should always be on your grocery list. Having a list like this helps you to always cover the basics/staples, so you have more brain space to figure out what you want to cook and meal prep during the week.

Here’s a list of some of our fav necessities in case you need a bit of inspiration: 


Decide on meals you want to cook/meal prep before grocery shopping-

What to eat? What to cook? Those seem to always be the questions! Deciding what you want to cook before you shop allows you to better ensure you’re getting all the ingredients you need. Thinking through your meal prep plans before going grocery shopping can save a ton of time and money by helping you to sidestep the many temptations at the grocery store that you don’t actually want or need. Check out our easy meals post for ideas on what to cook next! 

Start shopping online through your local grocery store-

Many grocery stores created online shopping experiences to address distancing requirements during the pandemic. If your local grocery store allows for online ordering and pickup, take advantage of it! It’ll save you time and shorten your in-person shopping trip. It also helps you to stay within your budget, as you can see how much you’re spending before you checkout. If there’s anything you need to get in person (think deli items), then you can pick those items up when you pick up your online order. 

Follow these steps and you will be ahead of the game: 

  • Search your fav, local grocery stores.

  • Check their website(s) to see if they have an online shopping option (if they don’t bummer - just make your list the old-fashioned way, and take it with you to the grocery store to save time/money.)

  • Next, Shop away! 

  • Make a list of any in-person items you’ll need to get when you go out for your online order.

  • Pick up your goodies!

Pro-tip: Check your online order bags before leaving the store to make sure everything is there and to see if there’s anything you’d like to return while you’re at the store. 

Have a designated grocery day-

I think we have all found ourselves at Trader Joe’s on a Sunday afternoon, questioning all of our life choices leading up to that point. We’ve probably also all had the experience of running out of groceries midweek and being forced to order sub-par takeout that cost way too much. Having a grocery day can prevent these sorts of scenarios from happening and can help you feel more prepared and on top of your food game and your budget. Of course, having a designated day doesn’t mean it’s the only day you can grocery shop, but it does make it more likely you’ll shop consistently. 

Pro-tip: Shop for your groceries early to mid-morning. You’ll likely have better choices of produce and you’ll likely beat the crowd.

Get your groceries delivered -

Having your groceries delivered to you is the ultimate time saver! But- it is a bit pricey. If you have the means to do this, go for it! There are quite a few apps out there that will do the trick, but Instacart has never steered us wrong! 

Happy Eating & Planning!




Easy Meal Prep Ideas