How To Get Organized.

Where to start? What to prioritize? When? These are the questions that hinder us from getting organized.  

Let’s be real- we all have parts of our lives we wish were more organized. Whether it’s our work, home, social life- there’s always something to do, and seemingly not enough time to do it. 

On top of that, disorganization eats away at our time and the things we actually care about, which is why it is so important to organize what we can. 

So how does one become more organized? Well, we’ve got you covered! 

Follow the steps below and we’ll get you started on your organization journey:

1. Figure out What Needs Organizing & Make A Plan 

In order to know where to begin, you have to know what needs to be done. You can start to draft your organization plan by completing our organization checklist and answering the following questions: 

Qs to Ask Yourself: 

  • What parts of my life need organizing?

  • What are my top three priorities when it comes to organizing?

  • How much extra time in my schedule do I have to organize? (Check out our time finder exercise to find your ideal times)

2. Find Value in Your Organization Goals:

Any new change needs to be meaningful and of valuable to you, in order for it to stick. Whether that value is health, self-confidence, or something else, it’s important to understand why your organization goals are important to you. 

So- why would becoming more organized be valuable to you? 

Would it lower your stress? give you more free time to spend on your hobbies? Allow you to travel more?

Here’s some examples of organization habits and value based reasons why one might incorporate them into their routine: 

3. Understand Things will Likely Get Messier, Before They Can Get Tidy 

Don’t worry! This is a part of the process, and you’ll be better off once you get through the messy stage! Think about something as simple as laundry- Your laundry may be all packed in a hamper in your closet out of sight and out of mind.. but in order for you to do your laundry and have clean clothes, you’ll need to dump all of your clothes out of the hamper and sort them before washing them, essentially making a mess before tidying. 

I see this a lot with my clients who are tackling paper and mail organization. Once they start to open envelopes and organize lots of papers, some have described it as feeling as though they’re literally swimming in paper. But, once their papers have all been filed and scanned away, they feel relief like none other. 

Getting through the mess of organization can be challenging, but is 100% worth it!

4. Be Patient with Yourself & The Process

Organizing and incorporating new routines takes time.

You will likely find yourself feeling a rollercoaster of emotions (maybe some Overwhelm, because it feels like there’s soo much to do, or Shame because things have gotten so out of control, and hopefully a boost of Confidence once you start to see your progress.)

Allow yourself to feel the variety of emotions that come up during this process, and remember to be kind to yourself through and through! 

5. Ready, Set, GO!

Now, all that is left is to just get started! Your plan doesn’t have to be perfect and you can always update it and make changes as you go, but ultimately, you have to start somewhere or you’ll never start! 

If starting still feels overwhelming, check out our shop for some helpful resources or sign up for a personalized organization plan!




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